Thursday, February 9, 2012

Welcome Terror, Evil & Horror Movies! Booooooooo!

The Blogman returns for another entry in the blog AGAIN, and today, I'm going to present my next movie genre: The Masters of Darkness, The Terrifying House of Horrors, the Deadly and Amazing... HORROR MOVIES!

In this type of special genre, the big screen world seeks to unleash on the audience a big fright with monsters, ghosts and creatures, bent of scaring them all until they turn white, revealing their most primal fears! They often feature horrifying but exciting scenes that scare, frighten or startle the viewer through the means of supernatural, thrills, evil & haunted stuff. By the looks of the way they present it, they are the "Thriller" from "Micheal Jackson" of the movie world! "THRILLAAAAHHH!" Ha ha ha ha ha ha, funny, isn't it, Blog-fans?

Anyways, horror films are special types of entertainment show that deal with the viewer's nightmares, worst fear, revulsions and terror of the unknown. It can even make you feel so scared of anything scary, maybe even yourself coz' you don't know who you really are... Nah, don't care! And while supernatural is not enough for one of the best movie genres of all time, they also contain serial killers, murder, disease or viruses that turn you into monsters or something, and an evil force from the darkness and undead! Others include legendary monsters that eat your flesh, even though some existed in real life. As I'm quite familiar with the term "horror", it reminds me of the time when I was reading a novel about "real" ghost stories in the Philippines. It made me wanna scream, "AAAAAHHHHHHH!" *like a girl*

Oops! Sorry for my girly voice, fans! Anyways, here are some fresh examples of horror movies:

And so, that's all for today, for the lovely and cute fans of the Blogman! The Blogman's on the haunted house- I mean, big house, y'all. See you next time!

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