Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sniff... Sniff... Welcome To The World of Drama!

Hello, the Blogman is here again, and today, my topic on movies is about the master of sorrow and love that will make you cry, so keep your tissues handy... Today, my topic is about Drama Films!

Drama films are well known for all of the love scenes, the emotional conversations and the tensions between friends or family. At the center of a drama is usually a character or characters who are in conflict at a crucial moment in their lives. They often revolve around families; drama films dig under the skin of everyday life to ask big questions and touch on the deepest emotions of normal people. Dramas often, but not always, have tragic or at least painful resolutions and concern the survival of some tragic crisis, like the death of a family member, or a divorce. Nonetheless, the drama films are considered one of the biggests genres of all time, and it is well know for receiving many awards on movie ceremonies!

Here are some examples of drama films:

1. Titanic
2. Million Dollar Baby
3. The Last Song

Sorry for the inconvience, but I have to put the title to show examples because when I was using Firefox, it is so hard to download pictures in my post, anyway. Are you used to it?

So, that's all for today! See you later!

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