Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Amazing World of Music In Music Films!

The Blogman returns!

If there is one thing that captures the attention of the people everywhere, it is that movies are absolute the best. Today, in my next topic, this is about "musical films", movies where all the children, adults, and people of the story laugh and sing and dance all day!

Anyways, musical films are a type of film genre in which songs sung by the characters are interwoven into the narrative. The songs advance the plot and develops the film's storyline and characters, though in some cases they serve merely as breaks in the story, often as elaborate "production numbers". Quite catchy for developing such an entertaining film, ain't it? There is a saying that whenever you sing in front of the audience, whether in a school play, even a movie, you are to get popularity and cheers from the audience in a heartbeat!

The musical film genre was a natural development of the stage musical with the using of music and sound, which reminds me, in the film, they use old songs from the past or the present, or they create their own songs! Interesta-mundo! Typically, the biggest difference between the film and stage musical is the use of lavish background scenery and locations that would be impractical in a theater. Musical films characteristically contain elements from the theater, or a different stage at all! For instance, while the main actors sing, dance, and do amazing stunts, the audience is caught in the midst of amazement!

BTW, do you know of the old saying that "all the world's a stage" from William Shakespeare? In fact, the WHOLE WORLD is the stage!

And so, here are some fresh examples of musical films, courtesy of the Blogman:

Miss Armie, if you know any of those films of musical fantasy, please let the Blogman know :)

So, that is all for today, fans of the Blogman! See you next time!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Today... It's All About Movies Based On Books

Hello, the Blogman is back again, and today, I'm going to discuss to you my new topic on the world of Movies. Today's topic is all about one of the most beautiful and most enjoyable movement in media, the movie genre, based on the symbols of reading, mothers of love and experts of narratives! Today, I'm talking about movies based on novels!

In this type of movie genre, the famous directors of Hollywood had this brilliant idea on making movies based on the books. Eventually, with the assistance of production and actors, those plans did the trick. Of course, the whole plot of the story is the same, but the setting and the way the characters act are different that the novel. The directors wanted to shorten a few things in the movie so that it can give more meaning from the story! What a movie revision this turned out to be!

Before the novels turned to be movies, they used to bestsellers that have made their presence known worldwide. As the years roll on while all the people are inspired by the novels, they dreamed of what is it like if the novel would transform into a movie. Hence, the directors got this idea and viola!

Now that that's out of the way, let me show you fresh examples of movies based on novels... Here they are:

If you know any of these novels revised into movies, please let me know!

And so, that concludes the Blogman's recent post for today. See you later ;)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's Now The Interviewing Wrap-Up Story... Documentary Films

The Blogman returns again to the posting scene, and today, my topic for today is about documentary films, films containing the most viewed and most controversial details on the greatest things in history ever! If there is one thing that makes us learn more in the field of knowledge, it is that documentaries are awesome!

Documentary films are the types of movies that constitute a broad category of non-fictional motion pictures intended to document some aspect of reality, such as nature, the economy, and society, primarily for the purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical record. The film was originally shot on film stock, but it also includes video and digital productions that can be either direct-to-video, made as a television program or released for screening in cinemas. As the term "Documentary" suggests, it is a "film making practice, a cinematic tradition, and mode of audience reception" that is continually evolving and is without clear boundaries. In fact, documentaries tell about the real stories of what is going on around life and the world itself!

Those types of films are considered the center of attention where people who hold knowledge of the story tell what they feel or react to this event. In turn, the people who watched the films will be inspired by the moral lessons given to them and they will know what they can do to support the document about that story!

Here are some fresh examples of documentary films:

Just as you asked, the delivery services of creating pictures to show examples of movies related to the genre are back in the game, baby!

Anyways, that concludes my post for today. See you next time : )

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sniff... Sniff... Welcome To The World of Drama!

Hello, the Blogman is here again, and today, my topic on movies is about the master of sorrow and love that will make you cry, so keep your tissues handy... Today, my topic is about Drama Films!

Drama films are well known for all of the love scenes, the emotional conversations and the tensions between friends or family. At the center of a drama is usually a character or characters who are in conflict at a crucial moment in their lives. They often revolve around families; drama films dig under the skin of everyday life to ask big questions and touch on the deepest emotions of normal people. Dramas often, but not always, have tragic or at least painful resolutions and concern the survival of some tragic crisis, like the death of a family member, or a divorce. Nonetheless, the drama films are considered one of the biggests genres of all time, and it is well know for receiving many awards on movie ceremonies!

Here are some examples of drama films:

1. Titanic
2. Million Dollar Baby
3. The Last Song

Sorry for the inconvience, but I have to put the title to show examples because when I was using Firefox, it is so hard to download pictures in my post, anyway. Are you used to it?

So, that's all for today! See you later!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

What A Outstanding Science... Science Fiction Films!

The Blogman returns again, with another update on movies. Today, I'm going to present to you another of the best of movie genres! Ladies and gentlemen, before the future, and feast your eyes on my latest invention... Please welcome the science fiction films! The Masters of Magic, the Sultan of Supernatural, and the Tiger of Awesome! Please enjoy my invention and relax, for science fiction is a long and bumpy ride to the unknown.

As you may have know, science fiction films tell about speculative, science-based depiction of phenomena that involve extraterrestrial life forms, alien worlds, supernatural powers, and time travel, along with futuristic elements such as spacecraft, robots, cyborgs, and even a trip to the universe. Science fiction films have often been used to focus on political or social issues, and to explore philosophical issues like the human condition. As you can see, this is the world where everything is futuristic and advanced. In other words, it's like the "Star Wars" of the movie world! KA-SHING! 

By the way, the Blogman is telling you something I had in mind... Science fiction gave me an idea, and it inspires me to make a book where children in the future protect an ancient power from evil. Dreams will come true, after all!

Anyways, here are some fresh examples:

By the way, Ms. Cely Armamento, Chronicle is the film I wanted to watch, because it's about three teenage friends with telekinetic powers. Have you seen it?

Anyway, that's all for today, fans of the Blogman. Have a nice day! ;)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Halt! You're Under Arrest! This Is A Crime Movie!

Welcome, once again, to another episode of the movie topic show, courtesy of the Blogman! Today, we are about to discuss about one of the most popular of the dimensions of movies. If there is one thing standing between mystery and solutions, it is that "crime" is the source of them both. That's right, today's episode is about the crime movie genre.

Anyways, crime movies are the source of pure action where crime, lawlessness and evil are running rampant! The city's people are losing all hope; they are totally helpless, and are in desperate need of a true hero. Super crimes, normal crimes, monster crime, they didn't matter, as long as the scene are quite heartbreaking and interesting.

Crime films developed around the sinister actions of people, such as dealing drugs, gangs, bank robbery, murder, and whole lots of evil... I mean, EVIL! Ever since the regular crime wave in the movie genre gained more popularity, more crime movies emerged from the dust which are even more brutal and intense than the previous ones. Others include greedy organizations, a band of crazy villains, and even terrorists born to strike fear into the hearts of men with diabolical weapons!

But don't take this treachery for granted, because not all crime movies have a sad ending. The main protagonists are on the scene near the climax of the film and eventually brought the bad guys to justice. Many crime movies have a happy ending. Some do not.

And so, here are some fresh examples of crime movies:

So, that all for today people, and stay tuned for another post. Have a nice day! P.S., when it come to seeing my blog, please, Ms. Armamento, call me the Blogman.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Welcome Terror, Evil & Horror Movies! Booooooooo!

The Blogman returns for another entry in the blog AGAIN, and today, I'm going to present my next movie genre: The Masters of Darkness, The Terrifying House of Horrors, the Deadly and Amazing... HORROR MOVIES!

In this type of special genre, the big screen world seeks to unleash on the audience a big fright with monsters, ghosts and creatures, bent of scaring them all until they turn white, revealing their most primal fears! They often feature horrifying but exciting scenes that scare, frighten or startle the viewer through the means of supernatural, thrills, evil & haunted stuff. By the looks of the way they present it, they are the "Thriller" from "Micheal Jackson" of the movie world! "THRILLAAAAHHH!" Ha ha ha ha ha ha, funny, isn't it, Blog-fans?

Anyways, horror films are special types of entertainment show that deal with the viewer's nightmares, worst fear, revulsions and terror of the unknown. It can even make you feel so scared of anything scary, maybe even yourself coz' you don't know who you really are... Nah, don't care! And while supernatural is not enough for one of the best movie genres of all time, they also contain serial killers, murder, disease or viruses that turn you into monsters or something, and an evil force from the darkness and undead! Others include legendary monsters that eat your flesh, even though some existed in real life. As I'm quite familiar with the term "horror", it reminds me of the time when I was reading a novel about "real" ghost stories in the Philippines. It made me wanna scream, "AAAAAHHHHHHH!" *like a girl*

Oops! Sorry for my girly voice, fans! Anyways, here are some fresh examples of horror movies:

And so, that's all for today, for the lovely and cute fans of the Blogman! The Blogman's on the haunted house- I mean, big house, y'all. See you next time!