Friday, January 27, 2012

Fantasy Movies (Not Based On The RPG Video Game)

Hey there! The Blogman has returned, and it's been another week of waiting, but it's worth the wait. Today's topic is about the world of imagination, the kingdom of dramatic, magical stories, the fruit of heart-warming, please welcome the Fantasy Movies, one of the world's best in movie genre!

Quite fantastic for fantasy movies, aren't they? Anyways, this film genre consists of scenes with "FANTASTICO" theme, usually involving magic, supernatural events, make-believe creatures, or exotic places round the world. The genre is considered to be distinct from science fiction, horror or books, it doesn't matter!

Because fantasy films are more like the "Final Fantasy Game Series" of movies, they contain elements of magic, myth (either from legend based on what is real or not), wonders of the world, and the excitement of extraordinary, such as rescuing a damsel in distress, exploring bizarre lands, assistance from supernatural forces, and many more! Fantasy is the source of magic, while magic is the source of love and adventure! YAHOOOOO xD

Anyways, here are some examples of fresh fantasy films: 

So, that's all for today, for the fans of the Blogman, especially a teacher named Cely Armamento. I'll keep you guys updated the next time I come back for a blog. Have. A. Nice. DAY!

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